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This overview is an exploration into the versatility of the Braids’ wavetable synthesis using heavy modulation. The Timbre, Color, FM, Trigger inputs are being fed intense modulation. If you want to hear specific waveforms, they are all timestamped on Youtube in About/Show More. All the waveforms are timestamped on the YouTube page. The basic waveforms can be heard below in Equinoxoz Music Solutions’ video. This overview does not cover the universal paramaters like Bits, Rate, Trig, META, etc… You can find additional information in the Braids Manual.

CSAW 0:04
/\/|-_-_ 0:21
/|/|-_-_ 0:45
SYNC 1:01
FOLD 1:15
_|_|_|_|_ 1:35
RING 1:54
/|/|/|/| 2:16
/|/|_|_|_ 2:36
TOY* 3:05
ZLPF 3:20, ZPKF 3:42, ZHPF 4:01
VOSM 4:11
VOWL, 4:29 VFOF 4:57
FM 5:15, FBFM 5:37, WTFM 5:50
BELL 6:09
PLUK 6:19
BOWD 6:40
BLOW 7:09, FLUTE 7:29
WTBL 7:49
WMAP 8:02
NOIS 8:18
TWNQ 8:32
CLKN 8:41
CLOU 8:51, PRTC 8:59
QPSK 9:18

BRAIDS manual overview. from Equinoxoz music solutions on Vimeo.

[Trash Audio]