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A reader faces a common dilemma: they wanted to get started with electronic music making, they need to spend their money wisely and they aren’t sure where to start:

I’m researching building an analog startup kit for a home studio. Some years ago I was pretty involved with software-based DAW production and a little MIDI. I’ll likely go back to DAW at some point but I really want to try going more hardware based for a while.

I don’t have a lot of money to drop initially and will probably piece it all together over time. I don’t want to over-shoot and want quality components, while getting value for my money.

Where to start?

There’s no ‘right’ gear to buy, especially when you’re starting out. But it’s important to buy gear with some depth and to take the time to learn it, inside out.

If you start with an entry level tool like GarageBand or a synth like a MicroKorg and then really learn what it can and can’t do, you’ll end up having a much better idea about what need to make the music you want to make.

And yeah – that’s sort of a cop-out that doesn’t really answer the original question!

What gear would you recommend to somebody that wants to get started making electronic music? Leave a comment with your thoughts!
