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Denied Automatically offers advanced hearing protection.

Here’s the situation: you’re listening to one of Spotify’s thousands of radio stations or curated playlists (some of which are seriously worth checking out these days) and out of nowhere comes a Chris Brown track. Revolting! Fortunately you can now download a nifty little app to prevent unwanted artists sneaking into your speakers.

Denied Automatically is a Mac app that monitors Spotify and automatically skips songs that match your rules. Tracks can be skipped by their artist, title or album, so that you can listen to playlists and Spotify radio without ever having to deal with the music you despise. Denied can easily be toggled on and off and it also shows you statistics about your usage.

You can download the free version to apply three rules to your own Spotify account, or buy the app for unlimited blocks. [via Lifehacker]
