Category: Engineers

Pensado’s Place : ITL #29 – Various Uses of Compression

In the 29th Into The Lair, Dave talks about the philosophy behind using compression, and it’s various applications in engineering and mixing.

X32 MIDI Remote in Logic Studio

After a couple of questions about setting MIDI remote control mode in Logic Studio, I thought I see if it could be done. Well it can.

Ableton Tutorial – Bassline in Daft Punk’s ‘Around the World’ – EMC

Go to: check out our online Electronic Music Composition Course where you can learn more techniques like this. Please get in touch with our course advisors at if you want to find out more. In this tutorial Ski Oakenfull breaks down the great bassline in Daft Punk’s track ‘Around the World’

Soulful Horn Licks Maschine expansion

Yall know I work with many different sound companies to get them to do products and expansions in Maschine format, MVP Loops is one of those companies The M-Paq series is dedicated to providing content in Maschine format. This is from the Soulful series, and is featuring a bunch of soulful horn licks.

Pensado’s Place : ITL #28 – Lead Vocal Processing

In the 28th ITL, Dave goes over some of his favorite vocal processing techniques to use while mixing.

Future’s Dungeon Family Ties

For those who don’t know, Future is actually a part of the Dungeon Family. And in his new vlog, he elaborates on his affiliation, what seperates him from the rest and Organized Noize’s co-founder Rico Wade.

Pensado’s Place : ITL #27 – Creating Realistic Lead Vocal Doubles

In the 27th Into The Lair, Dave goes over techniques on how to create realistic vocal doubles if you don’t have a real, recorded double to use while mixing.

Beat Thang by BKE – Sound Browser Update

Testing a new firmware update for the Beat Thang hardware that updates the sound browser when in pattern mode so that you can browse by drumkits and instruments separately instead of in a long list. This is one of the features I’ve been pushing for, for a while. BKE has been updating the hardware with…

Pensado’s Place : ITL #26 – Buss Compressor Plugins Part 2

Dave goes over some various Buss Compression Plug-Ins in the 26th ITL segment.

Sonic TALK 279 – Google Peepshow

Our panel grows during the show to a full compliment, with topics starting at Dave Smith Instruments Mopho X4 keyboard, then we dig the new studio quality setting for Google Hangouts, and finally we talk about what Mountain Lion can do, or not do for you.